There is a limit to what we can take emotionally; moments when we shout "That's enough!" or "That's not fair!" or "That's not just." Anger is a response to feeling threatened or feeling that one's dignity, beliefs, or rights are being disrespected.
Anger can be a useful emotion, fueling necessary changes and holding others accountable for choices and behaviors. Anger is constructively expressed in shouting/yelling, tears, intense purposeful conversations, letter writing, redefining relationships, protests, participating in meetings, exercise, etc.
Anger can also motivate expressions that are more destructive, such as hitting and other forms of physical violence, hurling slurs and insults, retribution, revenge. Holding anger inside often causes headaches, increased blood pressure, jaw pain, clenched/grinding teeth, and intestinal problems. Unmanaged anger regularly results in damaging and disrespectful explosive outbursts.
The pandemic has been a source for many differences of opinions. Disagreements can make us feel threatened, which often leads to anger. Who is essential? Who should be making decisions about protocols and restrictions? What protective gear should be worn, and by whom, and in what situations? Anger pushes us away from others and toward wanting someone to blame. Anger feeds on the anxiousness and short-tempers of those trying to get information, trying to rebuild their lives.
Right now, it may feel like a great deal has been taken from us, and anger is a natural response to that loss. There may be no answer to the question of why the world is having to face this kind of crisis. Anger can help us focus on the most important issues and making sure that all people are being cared for equally through this pandemic. Like any emotion, anger needs to be expressed, but the expression needs an outlet that doesn't harm the person who is angry nor the people/property around that person.
Other words for this feeling: Furious, full of rage, vengeful, irritated, upset, incensed, fed-up