There Are No Boundaries of Time or Space For the Spirit
For some months, we have been discerning how Mercy Conference and Retreat Center can respond to the myriad spiritual needs of our community and world in ways that aren't restricted by physical location, personal health, or time.
Many of us have experienced these moments:
- Waking up at 2 am in the morning, unable to fall asleep, and searching for something that might help us to relax
- Finding a brief moment when someone for whom we are caring has taken a nap and we need something to replenish our spirit
- Needing to cancel a retreat because of falling or recovering from unplanned surgery
- Becoming sick or caring for a sick family member and unable to participate in a regular faith sharing or prayer community
- Having a work meeting rescheduled or travel required that prevents a much needed day of reflection
- Knowing my spirit needs to walk the labyrinth in the midst of a busy, rainy day
While the internet is a wonderful tool, sometimes it is hard to find just what we need using language that is familiar to us. Often we don't have time to do the research or vet the resources that appear in our browser.
The staff at Mercy Conference and Retreat Center, in collaboration with our board, adjunct spiritual directors, and other resources supporting our ministry, have created and developed (or sourced) resources around the world that are available on the internet for free.
We have placed these resources into, what we hope, are meaningful categories that will allow you to go quickly to whatever you might need. These resources will include downloadable files, music, videos, blogs, virtual daily or weekly spiritual programs and other tools and communities that will serve you in the moment of your need and also be available on an ongoing basis.