Give It Up For Lent

Give It Up For Lent
Two Program Opportunities

Sunday, March 1 - 1:30-3:30pm:  Giving up Violence

There is a movement afoot within the Catholic church to recapture the centrality of Jesus's commitment to and practice of nonviolence.  We'll explore that movement and ask the question of how we're called as followers of Jesus to reject violence and embrace nonviolence, at the personal level and the political level.  Our exploration will include a basis overview of the Church's tradition of nonviolence and the scriptural evidence for its importance in the life and ministry of Jesus.
Led by Johnny Zokovitch, Executive Director of Pax Christi, USA.
Cost: Free will donation.  Pre-Registration requested.

Sunday, March 15 - 1:30-3:30pm: Giving up Exclusion

There are numerous situations where, without being aware of it, we claim privilege, often based on race, gender, class, etc.  There are also situations where we don't even notice who's missing or being treated differently.  Come and allow your consciousness to be raised about these two important dimensions of our call to live in a just, caring society.
Led by Sister Priscilla Moreno, RSM, Alliance of Sisters of Mercy of Color.
Cost: Free will donation. Pre-Registration requested.

Collaborating Partner:  Institute Justice Office of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas.
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