Holy Week Resources

Holy Week Resources

Holy Week, the week between Palm Sunday and Easter, is an important week in the life of many members of the Christian faith, as we reflect upon the last days of the life of Jesus.  During this week, we participate in the liturgical celebrations of Maundy/Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday/the Easter Vigil.

We offer these retreats and reflections to enhance your Holy Week practices.

Good Friday - Behold the Wood of the Cross

Mercy Center Way of the Cross - An Examination of Conscience - Manda Suchara, MAPS
Manda is a local musician, composer, and creative professional. She has brought her music to the stage of the Sheldon Concert Hall and to the bedside of those on hospice. Her music engenders a sense of joy, reflection, unity, tenacity, humor, and hope in the midst of change and struggles. Operating from her studio in Affton, MO, Manda travels extensively to provide music and creative services wherever needed.

Seven Last Words of Jesus - Steve Givens
Steve Givens is a spiritual director, musician and composer, university administrator and a widely published writer on Catholic-Christian faith and spirituality. He has been a contributor to "Living Faith" daily devotions for more than 30 years.

April 4 - Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

April 5 - Today you will be with me in paradise.

April 6 - Woman, behold your son!  Behold your mother!

April 7 - My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

April 8 - I thirst.

April 9 - It is finished.

April 10 - Father, into your hands, I commend my spirit.

Consider the Nails by Steve Givens
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