Lent begins February 22: Be ready with your own guided retreat from Mercy Conference and Retreat Center.
Change Your Heart
Change Your Heart is a Special Edition Compass kit available, priced at $19.99, which contains a candle and 5 colorful, attractively presented guided reflections. The description of the kit's content reveals how suited it is to the Lenten Season:
"We can change our behaviors. We can change our minds or how we think about things. However, a change of heart, a real transformation, is only possible with God. Through a series of reflections, this kit invites us to open ourselves to how God may want to be at work within us."
Many options are available for its use:
Use Change Your Heart to guide a Lenten retreat on your own at the time, space, and pace you choose.
Use Change Your Heart as a guided Lenten retreat during a day stay at Mercy Conference and Retreat Center.
Use Change Your Heart as a guided Lenten retreat with one or more friends, at home, or at Mercy Center as space allows.
Use Change Your Heart as a guided Lenten retreat for your parish or church's faith formation program. Quantity discounts and facilitator's guide available.