Mindful Meet-Up - A Mindful Approach to Taking Things Personally

A lot of our pain and suffering stems from taking things personally.  Feeling like the intended target of things people say and do, the impact of events and happenings. We expend a lot of energy warding off these assaults on our self - who we are, how we want to be perceived, what we want to accomplish. The pain of our vulnerability to these experiences can be consuming.

Is there a more nuanced approach to this pain we experience as we take things personally? A way that would tap into our wholeness, our wisdom Self? Not ignoring the pain or discomfort, not dismissing the

option of dealing with what happened, but discovering a perspective that supports seeing these incidents less as attacks and more as a part of the unwieldly flow of life, a part of our common humanity? Seeing the experience through the eyes of our wisdom Self?

In this Mindful Meet Up, through discussion, mindfulness practice and journaling, we’ll explore, through the lens of mindfulness practice, this prevalent experience of taking things personally.

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