Mindful Meet-Up - Experiencing Healing and Rejuvenation in Nature

Spring is an optimum time to tune into what nature has to offer us in the way of healing and restoration and emergence of our true Self.

We’re bombarded with stressors from emails, demands on our time, people’s comments, news stories, deadlines. We experience constriction and tension in both our body and our mind. We need a refuge to rest and relax the body and the mind, to disengage from all of the confusion and information overload.

Nature is a natural refuge where we can find a place for our body and mind to rest and to bring them into balance. In nature’s landscape, our inner landscape has an opportunity to refresh itself, to move closer to the natural expression of who we are in our essential nature.

In this Mindful Meet Up, through discussion, mindfulness practice and journaling, we’ll come to appreciate the healing gift of nature which lies just outside our front door.

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