Mindful Meet-Up - Refreshing and/or Rebooting Our Mindful Meditation Practice

We’re aware that a regular mindful meditation practice has pervasive positive effects on us and, consequently, those around us. But then life happens and we find ourselves meditating less often or sometimes not at all, a situation we might regret.

In this Mindful Meet Up, we’ll refresh our understanding of the positive impact a regular mindful meditation practice can have on us physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. We’ll

consider barriers we encounter to a regular meditation practice and ideas to deal with those barriers. Through discussion, mindful practice and journaling, we’ll explore refreshing and/or rebooting our mindful meditation practice.

The opinions and thoughts expressed in this Evergreen Section of our website reflect only the presenter’s views, and not necessarily those of Mercy Conference and Retreat Center, its Board, staff, or sponsor (The Sisters of Mercy of the Americas); nor does the mere appearance of content on this site constitute an endorsement.

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