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"Faith is not clinging to a shrine but an endless pilgrimage of the heart."

Abraham Joshua Heschel, Rabbi

For as long as humans have walked, they have walked to get closer to their gods, and have named this journey pilgrimage. What would a “pilgrimage of the heart” entail for you? What must be left behind? What uncertainties must be embraced? What patience will be called for by the duration of the journey? How do you envision journey’s end?
By Carolyn Held May 16, 2022
Finding balance in our focus...
By Carolyn Held May 9, 2022
Will we break free from whatever keeps us from flying?
By Carolyn Held May 2, 2022
In God we have eternal life...
By Carolyn Held April 25, 2022
It's always darkest before the dawn...
By Carolyn Held April 18, 2022
How does God ignite your soul?
By Carolyn Held April 11, 2022
Enter into the silence that allows us to listen deeply.
By Carolyn Held April 4, 2022
Liberating ourselves from what binds us and holds us back.
By Carolyn Held March 28, 2022
Living simply...
By Carolyn Held March 21, 2022
In what ways are we a witness to God's presence in our lives and in the world?
By Carolyn Held March 14, 2022
Living with our whole heart.
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