Compared to journaling, poetry can allow more or less structure for expressing one's thoughts or feelings. Where journaling usually captures complete thoughts, poetry/prose allows for free or abstract thought. And by experimenting with meters or rhyme patterns, we have to be more conscious of our word choices.
Haiku - express your feelings or describe a situation you're facing using a poetry structure of 3 lines with 17 syllables divided this way:
(Click for examples)
5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables
Sonnet - express your feelings or describe a situation you're facing using a poetry structure of 14 lines, 10 syllables in each line built in iambic meter (weak-STRONG), with a variety of possible rhyme schemes. (Click for Examples)
Rhyming Verse, which may or may not use a meter for syllables
Blank verse, which doesn't rhyme but syllables follow a meter (weak-STRONG or STRONG-weak or another)
Free Verse, which doesn't rhyme or use meter
Stream of Consciousness - while reflecting on an emotion or situation, simply starting writing whatever words/phrases come to mind. These can be written in a list, a long run-on line, or sporadically anywhere on the page... the goal is to pour out as many words as possible, as they come into your mind or heart.