We hope that your Lenten journey will be blessed as you experience these weekly Visio-Divina-type prayers, which have been created by some of the Mercy Retreat Centers in North and South America. Each week of Lent will focus on the Mercy “Critical Concerns”: earth, migration, nonviolence, racism, and women. Click on either [english] [español]
each week to download the meditation.
--Created by Cranaleith Spiritual Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
--Created by Mercy Center Auburn, Auburn, California
--Created by Mercy Spirituality Center, Rochester, New York
--Created by Mount Saint Mary House of Prayer, Watchung, New Jersey
--Created by Centro de Espiritualidad Mercy, Bella Vista Argentina
--Created by Well of Mercy, Hamptonville, North Carolina
Translation of material: Catalina Ocampo
Graphic and audiovisual design: Crischu Hereñú